Samsung TVs series TU, RU and T, R what does it mean?

Samsung TVs series TU, RU and T, R

Samsung TVs series TU, RU and T, R what does it mean?

In 2020, a series of Samsung TU TVs and a series of TV T appeared. Also on sale are Samsung TVs of the RU series and TVs of the R series. This is not unusual, Samsung just develops new TV models every year, and the letter T or R is the identifier of the year TV model development and sales start.

What does TU, T and RU, R mean in Samsung TV


You can learn more about what the model number of the Samsung TV means from the article Model numbers of Samsung TVs 2002-2020 decoding




TU, T on Samsung 2020 TV


TU and T identifier of the year of development of the TV model and the beginning of sales. TU is the designation of the year used in LED TVs and means the next T-TV in 2020, U – UHD screen resolution. For quantum dot TVs, the designation Q60T is accepted, where T also indicates the year of development 2020. RU, R on TV Samsung 2019




RU, R on TV Samsung 2019

RU and R is also the identifier of the year and indicates that these TVs were developed in 2019. RU Samsung TVs with LED screens, Q60R TV with a quantum dot screen.
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